Earning the Vex Mythoclast: 2022 Farming Techniques Explained

Can You Farm Vex Mythoclast? The Base Concept

The Vex Mythoclast, a unique fusion rifle, sparks curiosity among Destiny 2 players who are eager to add it to their arsenal. Many often ask, can you farm Vex Mythoclast? Yes, you absolutely can. Farming refers to the practice of repeatedly engaging in a particular activity or mission in a game with the aim of obtaining a specific reward – in this case, the Vex Mythoclast. Here, we share insights into how you can efficiently farm to earn this sought-after weapon.

Farming Opportunities in 2022

The question, ‘Can you farm for the Vex Mythoclast 2022?’, circles around the Destiny 2 community each year, given the game’s regularly updated content. Rest assured, as of 2022, Vex Mythoclast is still a collectible from the Vault of Glass raid, and its farming techniques remain intact.

Can You Farm Anytime? Select Your Raid Wisely

Does VoG have to be the weekly raid, or can you farm for it whenever you want? While you can participate in the Vault of Glass raid at any time, there’s a catch. Only your first completion per character per week has a chance to drop the Vex Mythoclast. Subsequent raid runs will not yield this weapon within the same week, even if you switch characters.

Mastering the Vault of Glass

Vault of Glass (VoG) is the cornerstone of Vex Mythoclast farming. It’s worth noting that Vex Mythoclast only drops from the final boss, Atheon, Time’s Conflux. So your focus should be striving to successfully reach and complete this stage to draw closer to potential Vex Mythoclast ownership.

Accelerating Your Farm

Maximizing your chances for a Vex Mythoclast drop implies running the Vault of Glass raid with each of your characters every week. Since the game allows you to have three characters per account, this step triples your opportunity to earn Vex Mythoclast, essentially functioning as your farm accelerant.

Does Raid Difficulty Matter?

Interestingly enough, no. The difficulty level of the raid doesn’t impact the chance of dropping the Vex Mythoclast. Whether you choose the Normal Mode or Brave the Hard Mode doesn’t make a difference for this specific exotic drop.

Consistency is Key

Unlike certain other items in Destiny 2, the Vex Mythoclast’s drop rate doesn’t appear to be ‘luck-protected’, meaning the drop probability doesn’t increase after unsuccessful attempts. Consistency is key to your farm strategy, so don’t be discouraged if you hadn’t found your prize yet.

Increasing Drop Rates

With the Templar’s Challenge triumph, you can increase the drop rates of the Vex Mythoclast, Conceptually, this increases your number of viable runs each week, a potential game changer for your farming process.

Remember Your One-Off Attempts

Keep track of your one-off attempts. Destiny 2 doesn’t penalize players for stepping away, so use this to your advantage. If Atheon doesn’t drop the Mythoclast, you can always regroup and return. It’s the perseverance that often pays off.

Vex Mythoclast’s Value

Besides its potent destructive power and captivating aesthetics, Vex Mythoclast also owns a versatile perk pool and a status of rarity that makes this weapon well worth the farm.


So, can you farm for Vex Mythoclast 2022? As long as you follow above the strategies and heed these insights, you’re definitely on track to earning this rare weapon.

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